This was a very sad tea party. Mostly because Sadie wouldn't let her brother have any of her toys.
He was so crushed.
I also realize that Lucas is at an age now where if he doesn't get his way, a full blown fit will occur. It was bound to happen.
I think every attempt I make to teach sharing has them both crying in the end. I usually grab an unused toy from Sadie and give it to Lucas, and then she cries and wrenches it back making him scream all while I'm trying to take it back from her and say "Sadie, we need to share with Lucas". Nope. That is not working. They are still pretty little though.
Any help or advice is welcome.
These photos make me laugh every time though. Sadie calmly pouring her "mint" tea and Lucas just Wailing. You can even see the pout begin in the top one.