Saturday, June 06, 2009

its been so long

I've been reading everyone elses blogs, but not posting anything new on mine for some time, so here we go!

I haven't been doing too much, went to visit the family last weekend. Brought my ingredients for making bath bombs in their little baggies, citric acid is just a white powder crystal like substance. While waiting for hte bus, the guys at greyhound decided that a search of everyones stuff was necessary. AWESOME! It looks like I am carrying cocaine or other drugs in white baggies onto the bus. Well, thank goodness my stuff was in their baggies in a plastic shopping bad, they didnt search that one, but everything else, my makeup bag, wallet, grief! Got on the bus without much hassel and off i went. I was there to teach my momma some mad computer spreadsheets and finding clip art. hehe!

Mikaela and I made the bath bombs, they turned out awesome. I saw the recipe on instructables and thought that I had to try it, it was dead easy. The only difficult part was finding citric acid, but I got that on eBay.

It was a lot of fun. We used my moms measuring cups for about 1/4 cup bombs. Satsuma scented bombs (my favourite). I used a little orange and grapefruit zest in the mix and they smell awesome.

So after that weekend I came home and we bbq'ed. I love to bbq now. Tony cooks, I get things ready, and its so tastey. We even did the portabello mushrooms, and I love those so much!

I have more to write, but I will do that tomorrow, pace yourself Miranda!

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