Wednesday, December 30, 2009

its been so long

but I am home now with husband, and awesome internet connection. Don't get me started on the hotel ones that we had to use during the trip (it more affected Tony, but was frustrating none the less).

California/Disneyland/Oregon was awesome, I shall have more stuff about it tomorrow. Tonight is about processing information, trying to de-stress and relax a bit. Traveling in a van with 5 other people can get crazy sometimes.

Baby is good. Kicks/jumps more noticeably than before :) I got 2 very swift kicks last night in bed while watching "the parent trap". Maybe it was to say that I should stop watching girly Disney movies. Maybe baby is a boy, or just hates Lindsey Lohan.

Here is something to keep you interested until tomorrow:

One of my favorite Disney Pixar movies, "a bugs life".

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