Friday, January 15, 2010

brownies vs homework

and the brownies win! Chocolate chip brownie cake is what I actually made. Pretty good stuff too. I normally don't like brownies, but these have chocolate chips in them and that makes them good.

I have a topic for my one class picked out, so that homework is done. Still have to print a name tag (probably will happen tomorrow morning before I go to class) and find one magazine spread that I don't like. I think I can find that in one of my freebie ones from shoppers or bell.

Cooking easy casserole, the type that you plop a can of soup in with some veggies and meat and call it dinner. Mmmm easy dinner.

I've been trying to cook more homemade type foods cause its better than pre packaged noodle soups or things of that nature. So far making soups has been helpful cause they make so much and last for a couple days. Still have some cauliflower soup in the fridge that should go tomorrow in my lunch.

My friend Kelsey has bought a small freezer and its in her living room. Makes me a little jealous. Its so tempting that I might see about checking if Costco has them for cheap. It would be way better than my tiny freezer in the fridge that I have and way handy for when baby arrives.

Oh the recipe incase you just were here for that hehe, I got it from this blog called from scratch
I also added more chocolate chips than what she had used cause I like them more.

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