Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2 thirds done already

1 third left to go before this baby is done! yay! Less worried about things now, more just gearing up to get this done so I can see my baby girl.

ohhh and I did get an email back from school finally. Oh man that took so long almost 4 months, but they said I can jump back in from where I left off if I hopefully finish my courses for term 2. Hopefully I can hang on till april to finish term 2 completely.

Stephen Colbert is in town for the Olympics and is taping his show by Science World. I found out that hes taping it tomorrow and Tony and I are going to get up super early (as taping starts at 9:15 am) and go see it. This is one of Tony's favourite guys to watch on the Comedy Channel. I can't wait to see it, he is hilarious.

I shall be charging my camera batteries so that I can hopefully get some pictures and see some other Olympic things downtown.

1 comment:

larissa bree said...

I am so excited for baby to come!!! You should text me and tell me the names you are thinking of!

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