Monday, April 04, 2011

currently eating:

Rice, black beans, broccoli, and peas with soy sauce. Very filling, and very tasty.

I've been thinking a lot lately about things. Food being one of them. Thinking about how I can make healthier food, and food that we will like. I'm going to try meal planning to see how it goes. Firstly, I should clean my fridge. Its way gross. So gross, that I'm going to wear rubber gloves. Ya. Seriously Miranda, how did you let it get that bad?

I don't know if I'll share a before and after picture of my fridge, cause, well, you'd be horrified. Maybe...I'll think about it.


larissa bree said...

eating healthy is very fun!! esp cutting out dairy and meat :)

Miranda said...

but cheese!!! :(

heidi said...

miranda, i just signed up for a free food journal thingy online at i am terrible at math and counting calories was becoming tiresome, but this program does it all for you including letting you know how many calories you should be eating for each stage of your pregnancy, how much water you need and if you're gettng enough iron and calcium, etc. its amazing really and its eye opening to realize that instead of the 2 subway oatmeal raisin cookies i had today, i could have enjoyed a whole other MEAL for the amount of calories and fat i consumed! anyway, rant over, just thought i'd let you know because its sure helping me out (Even though i'm daily 500 calories over what i should be, i'm a work in progress!)

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