Friday, May 06, 2011

shopping [online]

I never realized how much I would miss shopping while being stuck on the couch. Its one of those things that I forgot that I would miss. Thankfully there are such things as online shopping now. Oh eBay, what would I do without you?

So while its not the same --cause things take time to get to me and I dont get instant gratification of taking it home right after paying, its kinda fun. Its pretty much like Christmas, but knowing what you will get. Im now just waiting for the mail man to start bringing my packages.

So what have I bought? Welll, I got some cute baby things.

Ugly Deer

I love these guys, and so far Sadie does too, so now all my babies will have a couple.

Trumpette Socks

The little mary jane socks that I had for Sadie were super handy. Babies dont walk, so I see no real need to put them in shoes.To me, they are a must have. I absolutely adore them. 

I was feeling all bummed, but a little retail therapy had helped so much. Cant wait for my new friend, the Mailman!

1 comment:

larissa bree said...

Buy that print I showed you tony would love it for your new home when you move!!

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