Friday, December 14, 2012

such a sad day

We were sitting at a play date, hanging out with some new mamas and their kids, and my friends husband came in and let us know there was another school shooting, this time it was at an elementary school.

My heart stopped. Who would go out planning to kill little children? That was the intent. These were someones babies they were killing.

I took the kids home shortly after hearing the news, they were tired. I felt sick walking home with the kids. After putting the kids to bed and cuddling them, I turned on the news and bawled. I couldn't even imagine trying to deal with any of it.

My heart aches for all those 20+ parents that were told their babies were killed.

I worry for the people living in the USA. I grieve for those children and their parents. Nobody should have to deal with the horror that this community will be dealing with.

I'll be praying today, for the parents, children and all affected by this tragedy. This world disgusts me, and I'm sad to be a part of it right now.

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