Monday, September 28, 2009

oh baby

Its baby time! My first reaction was probably utter shock when I saw that the pregnancy test came back positive. I thought that if I didnt check the test results, or postponed the test that this all might be in my imagination. Well, I managed to check the test, and ta da! I think we were both in a lot of shock, Tony especially. He kept telling me that I was just timing things all wrong.

Well, after taking 2 tests we were 100% positive. I am feeling better about baby, so is Tony. Hes excited / nervous now cause we need to figure out how to afford a baby and still finish school for Tony.

Had a doctors appointment and things so far are good. They did 3 blood tests, 2 to make sure my hormones were still going up and one to find out my blood type (I have no idea what it is). My poor left arm had green bruises for a while, the other arm was ok. Tony liked watching my blood explode into the test tube things. I just laid there with my other hand covering my eyes and cried and shook. Needles are a huge fear and so when I walked into the office I would start shaking all over and need to sit. The smart girls who work there said I needed to lay down, which was good cause I would have passed out otherwise.

Next we did an ultrasound to see how things were going. Baby is the size of a small grain of rice. (Tony calls it his little rice or just baby). I saw the baby's heart beating on the screen, so its doing good. Baby is 7 weeks 5 days old as of today.

So as for me, I feel a little oogy, more so now. Haven't thrown up due to morning sickness, so that's nice. We shall have to see what happens once school starts.

I've been postponing writing this post cause I don't want to jinx anything. Its really early still, and so I worry sometimes, but I have a hopeful feeling that this baby is here to stay.


Aria said...

yay! I am so excited :)
I have a friend who won't buy anything until at all until baby is in your arms and kicking because she is so very superstitious, thinking that buying things jinxes it.

heidi said...

oh, how exciting! i always felt icky during the first 12 weeks or so, but never threw up. after that, i always felt amazing!! as far as affording a baby, to be honest if you choose to breastfeed, pretty much the only thing you "need" is diapers. i just asked for diapers for my baby shower and most people brought diapers with a cute outfit. we haven't had to buy samuel a single package of diapers yet and won't for awhile! just to ease your huband's mind a i bit :)

p.s. if its a boy, i have a TON of hand me downs for you!!

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