Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hard to belive this is what baby looks like

Strange to think that from a small looking rice baby, it grew to be a big real looking baby. Its neat to think that it can hear loud noises or muffled voices.

Also crazy to think that if it were born today, its survival rate would be 16 percent, but at 24 weeks it gets to 44 percent.

Apparently your belly button goes to an outie around this time. So far I am lucky it hasn't happened yet, but I am sure it will later on. My belly button looks shallow and not like it used to. Tony thinks this is hilarious and wants to see it be an outie. weirdo.

I've been thinking of names for the baby recently. Found a bunch I really like. My momma read me some of the names of babies born in 2009 that were in the Chilliwack newspaper. In my opinion, most I heard were pretty bad. Like cant tell what gender it is from first or middle name bad. I guess someone finds these names pretty, or just wants a unique child, or wants to set up their kid for teasing for life lol.

I think I am going to keep my name choices a secret for the most part until baby arrives. That way that part is a surprise.

I shall post this part here as well as on facebook, but what do you all think this baby is, girl or boy? Hopefully if all goes well I shall have results on Saturday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny you should ask.
We started a pool today at work.
So far you have three votes for a girl and two for a boy.
Whatever you have will be just fine for me.
"soon to be gramma"

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