Tuesday, February 23, 2010

that's gonna leave a scar

Well mom says it will. I think it might even look like Tony's scar on his finger. He got his from chopping wood with an axe when he was little. I will see if I can get a photo of his scar when he gets home. I might not be awake for that though, as last night he was at UBC doing school till 11 pm.

I got this from chopping an onion with a dull knife for hockey night chili 2 days ago. I haven't done anything this bad ever. I knew it would be bad when it almost felt like I cut all 4 fingers with the knife. I didn't really look to see what happened, I only saw blood streaming down my hand and thought the worst.

With my hand over my head in I grabbed the cleanest tea towel and started yelling "I CUT MYSELF!" When that didn't grab his attention, a curse word came out and then the "I THINK I CUT ALL MY FINGERS THERES BLOOD EVERYWHERE!" got it.

He looked at it and said if it didnt stop bleeding in half an hour we would go to the hospital. The word "Hosptial" sent me into panic mode. I was bawling on the couch with my hand over my head when Tony's Mom and sisters came over. Great...I didnt have dinner done and I was on the verge of getting taken into a hospital. Everyone wanted to see my injury. Tony's mom gasped....PANIC AGAIN in my brain. Beth said it wasn't that bad.

After calming down a bit when Beth told me that, she became my kitchen helper cutting the rest of the non bloody onion and garlic and did finished my chili. Bleeding stopped a while ago and Tony helped me wash the blood off my hand without getting my finger wet. He got out the polysporin and band-aids and teased me about needing the biggest sized band aid (since I hadn't looked at my own wound officially).

I haven't looked at it until today cause since everyone else looked at it, the concensus was that it was pretty bad, bad enough that I could have gotten stitches if I wanted. I only saw it tonight when the band-aid from yesterday fell off in the tub. Didn't realize it until I found a floating band-aid...eww. Kinda like swimming pool band-aids, but at least I know where mine came from.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

why are you determined to live with less fingers?

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