Friday, July 08, 2011

fresh from the farm

Look what I got today! Fresh, pretty tomatoes. We took a country drive out to the middle of nowhere, where my momma knows of a guy who sells his produce for cheap. Now only out in the country do they have these little stands. It was an unmanned stand that has plastic bags hanging full of farm fresh produce. You have a sign that tells you the prices of the day, and then a place to drop in your money. Today there were tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers today. I bought these lovelies and some cucumbers to take home. I have plans on making them into a pretty tomato salad, or greek salad. The green and red ones were nice and sweet, very tomatoey tasting.

Monday I will have another doctors appointment, and I shall update you all on how baby is doing. From how my ultrasound went, everything is still holding, and that is very very good.


larissa bree said...

Those look so yummy! I gotta go to a farmers market!

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody said...

Buying vegetables on the honor system! That's awesome. Hope you get good news about the baby.

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