Thursday, November 10, 2011

blustery fall day

Today was a good day. A very good day indeed. It helps when Lucas sleeps for 5 hours straight. I feel like a human being when I get that much sleep.

This morning I woke up when Tony woke up. Fed the baby, and then laid in bed all cozy under the covers. Its been rather chilly at night, so it was nice to be warm. Since I wasnt that tired, I said good bye to my dear husband, and set off to bake muffins. I got the first batch in the oven when Lucas woke up. I made blueberry muffins with a cinnamon strusel topping on top. First time making muffins with topping. I think all muffins should have strusel topping. I think I am hooked.

It was almost 10 when Sadie woke up. Since it was beautiful out, we went outside (after spending 10 minutes hunting down Sadie's other shoe -- found under the couch).

She beelined it for the 2 lonely dandalions, and hung on to them for dear life. Even if it meant falling on her face in the grass. She loved the leaves, but wouldnt throw them for fear of throwing her flowers. She smelled them for ages.

Lucas stayed inside and had a short nap. Sadie ran off some energy, and I got some cute pictures of her playing outside.

I hope it stays nice like this, cause when I brought Sadie in for her nap, she bawled at the door because she was having too much fun.

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