Its been a couple days since her party, but man, throwing a party really wipes you out. These are just some of the photos taken of her party. I took a few, but the rest were taken by my mom or sister. Thank you guys for taking them, I just wanted to enjoy the day.
These are the decorations. I sewed the bunting myself. It was pretty easy, I'll try and post a diy on it later.
These were printed instagram photos of Sadie that I taped to the wall. Nice thing about washi tape is that it doesn't rip the paint off your walls.
We had so many little treats. I baked mini donuts with icing and sprinkles, lemon cupcakes with raspberry buttercream, gluten free vegan chocolate cupcakes with raspberry frosting, chocolate dipped oreos and raspberry/cranberry lemonade punch. My mom brought fruit skewers, and we were good to go. I loved both kinds of cupcakes, and my dad accidentally ate a chocolate one and loved it. Then we told him it was vegan and gluten free and he made a face, but still said he loved it. I love my dad.
There's my birthday girl, loving her new ball. When we were unwrapping presents, she got too overwhelmed after a while and would stop mid unwrap and run after the ball in the yard. Yep, just needed a little ball break.
Her brother was quite content sitting in his new lawn chair with a toy until he almost took a nose dive off. Then he was content sitting with me.
Poor Lucas was not really social that day. Too many people, teething and shyness made him cling to me most of the day.
But he did go with Grandma for a bit and had fun pulling grass while Sadie opened new toys.
Once we freed the lalapaloosy dolls (I should have used a knife or scissor, they were worse than barbies) we had an impromptu tea party.
She loved the idea of food on a stick, but didn't love the food as much. Just holding it was enough.
And then we were given a trampoline....we'll go into that one later.
At the end of it all, I had the guests write down their favorite Sadie memory in a book so she could look at it when she was older. Guests also got to take home a baby food jar of candy, yum!
Oh, and one other crazy thing happened during Sadie's birthday party. We were hanging out in the yard and Tony's sister noticed that the neighbors behind us had some sort of bbq or were burning something on the picnic table. Upon closer inspection, it was a basket that was on fire. Nobody was home, so my dad hopped over and put out the fire. Lucky it didn't set the whole table on fire. Never a dull moment here I suppose.
So when the last guest left, the kids ate dinner, and went straight to bed. Both slept for 12 hours each, and napped for 3 the next day. They did so well.
I had so much fun, I look forward to planning Lucas' 1st birthday in August.
I'll be back with some DIY stuff and recipes for food that we had on her birthday.